The geopolitical "Middle East" is in turmoil, just as planned and predicted.

There will come a war so big that few countries will be able to remain neutral. World Wars I and II only involved a few industrial nations but swallowed the entire planet in violence, chaos, and stock market speculations that enriched the few at the expense of the many.
(RT) Jewish manipulation of the mainstream media makes it seem as if
Palestinians are the belligerents as the Israeli military begins air strikes
on a captive, almost defenseless civilian minority Tel Aviv calls terrorists.
Israel is currently bombing the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as well as Iran. Conservative hawk PM Netanyahu and puppet would-be dictator Pres. Obama are in complete agreement, differing on a single detail -- timing. B.S. Obama would prefer to not have another war derail his reelection; Netanyahu could hardly care less about that because whomever is selected to office, the US position in relation to Israel remains the same. Only appearances and mainstream media narratives change.

What reason could motivate it other than to provoke the Muslim world? The US and Israel, acting on behalf of the military-industrial complex more than its titular elected heads of state, are covertly bombing Iran, sending in unmanned drones, and committing war crimes with targeted preemptive assassinations. The Iranians may take down drones but they cannot prevent each strike until the camel's back is broken and the Straits of Hormuz close down.