Zen is senseless with free-for-all smugness going nowhere then being told that's the point. Theravada monasticism with the Psychologese of vipassana (insight meditation) and just a sampling of metta (loving-kindness practice) is old.
Then there's the popular but impenetrable pageantry and secrecy of Vajrayana: Tibetan Bon magic and Mahayana with pre-Catholic rituals and bishops (lamas and rinpoches) with cool "Free Tibet" protests. Tantra. Mantra (Paritta). MakeYourOwnYana.
All exist in the US as well as cultural variations from lesser known Buddhist lands and traditions: Afghanistan, Ladakh, Sri Lanka, Kalmykia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Kashmir, Korea, Japan, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, Thailand, Burma, Russia, Siberia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, and India.
Dari Rulai Temple
She invited us (and everyone interested) to attend her weekly Dharma talks on Saturday mornings from 9:15 to 9:45 am. Each week features a different topic on basic concepts of foundational Buddhist knowledge.
- Tap into the remarkable healing powers of the mind using meditation practices developed by enlightened Buddhist masters: Esoteric Buddhism has a variety of very powerful tools and techniques for self-healing and self-transformation. Practicing these techniques purifies karma, calms body and mind, and attain higher levels of consciousness. Discover how these timeless teachings can transform ignorance and suffering into wisdom, happiness, and supernormal bliss. Vice Abbottess Charlotte Steen is a disciple of Golden Crown Dharma King Living Buddha Dechan Jueren and a practitioner of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism (2011 Expo).
The event is also open to anyone wishing to attend at a distance! Dari Rulai will open a Skype conference call (darirulaitemple) and phone teleconference lines (712) 432-3066 (conference code: 409-847). Dial in about 5 minutes before the talk begins.
- Questions? Contact Paul Kendall (626) 841-2059.
- Class, workshop, event info: Dari Rulai Temple
- Dari Rulai NEWSLETTER Archive
- Wisdom Dew Beauty Yoga Dharma & Balance Weight Dharma Workshop: Give yourself the gift of radiant beauty and a healthy body! Wisdom Dew Beauty Yoga and Balance Weight Dharmas can both increase radiance and health on a physical level as well as working on a profound spiritual level. No previous meditation experience necessary. More details and to register: (626) 330-0921.