The film “Kony 2012” is the biggest piece of trash I’ve ever seen.

What? The filmmakers behind Kony 2012 are an inspiration. They are shedding a light on a neglected conflict, spurring people to action and saving lives [and just making a little money exploiting half truths].
For those who aren’t among the nearly [70] million people, and rapidly growing, who have watched Kony 2012 online, the film is about Joseph Kony, a notorious Ugandan warlord who heads the Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA. His group is said to have abducted 60,000 children over the years, turning boys into brainwashed soldiers and girls into sex slaves.
I reported a 4-minute radio story about the 30-minute film yesterday, its incredible popularity and success in bringing light to an important topic. I also reported on the controversy surrounding the film -- it’s inaccurate... More