KUCINICH Pro-peace Congressman Dennis Kucinich concedes his loss: he has not been renominated to run in his newly gerrymandered Cleveland, Ohio district. Rather than regretting what might have been, he is looking toward the future and finishing out his term. His non-progressive competition curries favor with the military-industrial complex rather than concerning herself with civil rights issues like Kucinich. Having been in politics since 1967 and in 40 elections and having lost on eight occasions, this is only a "temporary setback." He will run again, join the media, or go with what the universe brings him. As for WW III, there is now one less person to stand in the way of it.

ISRAEL vs. IRAN (Minute 15:00) Rabbi Michael Lerner has placed a full-page ad in the New York Times as the voice of the majority of Jews oppose war on Iran. The Network of Political Progressives is sending Netanyahu and Obama a single message in no uncertain terms: We are not behind you! The media is obscuring the situation as it is, pretending there was a substantive difference between Obama and Netanyahu's position. They only differ on timing, and the only reason for that is Obama's concern for his re-election. War will be catastrophic for the American economy, world oil prices (benefiting the oil companies), and civil liberties everywhere. Thousands have signed the letter in the ad demanding peace and a diplomatic resolution to any issues with Iran.

ISRAEL vs. IRAN (Minute 15:00) Rabbi Michael Lerner has placed a full-page ad in the New York Times as the voice of the majority of Jews oppose war on Iran. The Network of Political Progressives is sending Netanyahu and Obama a single message in no uncertain terms: We are not behind you! The media is obscuring the situation as it is, pretending there was a substantive difference between Obama and Netanyahu's position. They only differ on timing, and the only reason for that is Obama's concern for his re-election. War will be catastrophic for the American economy, world oil prices (benefiting the oil companies), and civil liberties everywhere. Thousands have signed the letter in the ad demanding peace and a diplomatic resolution to any issues with Iran.
- SpiritualProgressives.org
- Tikkun Magazine
- Recognize and embrace Palestine and Israel: The NSP encourages signing this petition.
- BOOK: Embracing Israel/Palestine

KEYSTONE (Minute 34:45) Attorney Thomas Linzey -- Executive Director for the Community Environment Legal Defense Fund providing free legal services to save the environment, author of Be The Change, and co-host of "Democracy Matters" at KYRS in Spokane, Washington -- talks about fracking (hydraulic fracturing shale for natural gas and oil extraction that contaminates the water table) and small town legislation to prevent it. He has helped hundreds of successes and can help draft more municipal ordinances. These Bill of Rights protect our right to clean air, a clean environment, and a clean world for subsequent generations.

- For CD copies of Connect the Dots, contact the Pacifica Archives at (800) 735-0230 or online