The 38-year-old, father of two spent 11 years in the Army. The American soldier somehow got out of a locked down camp that is guarded and zipped tight for fear of attack. Then he is alleged to have gone to two local villages, killed nine children, 4 women, while killing and injuring others and miraculously piling and setting some of the corpses on fire then heading back at least a mile to camp to valiantly turn himself in to guards who somehow had no idea he had gotten out.

The Five Precepts avoid remorse

1. Refrain from killing, even in war. 2. Refrain from stealing [corpses and burning them]. 3. Refrain from sexual misconduct [particularly children whose families you're murdering]. 4. Refrain from false speech [as you perjure yourself on behalf of the kill team and the chain of command that put all of you up this or tacitly approved of your war crimes]. 5. Refrain from alcohol and intoxicants that lead to heedlessness.
It may be too late for you, Bales, but others might benefit by seeing the results of violating the precepts. Maintaining the precepts is the way to happiness when they (our intentional deeds or karma) eventually find an opportunity to bear their fruits (phala) and yield their results (vipaka).