Notice that police "lock down" schools with any pretext now? It is a near daily occurrence in Southern California. Does it prepare us for prison or martial law? Police, the ultimate bullies, rule. And we excuse it all by saying, "Boys will be boys."

How did it begin?

We have a "conspiracy theory" we would like to unfurl. Bullying is too important to our society to allow a film to do anything about. Our policing and war recruiting depend on, so does our seedy sex trade. All three depend on molestation, boundary violation, and even sexual transgression -- bullying.

And boys have an unmitigated history of hazing, homosexual acts, and horrifying belittling behavior that is all part of growing up American (and British or European or anywhere else with a history of colonization). What prompts us to bother, bug, "bugger," rape, beat, and bring everyone into line? What moves us to gang up on any perceived weakness and be so intolerant of differences? It did not begin with humans.

Most religion now on the planet is the worst form of bullying. The Bible is the book on and of bullying -- first by God, then by kings, then by men (as heads of families), then by wives, then by age, each person in line being beat on and beating the next.
Mom arrested for encouraging her daughter in girl fight
The Western pecking order is not to be upset for fear of heavenly wrath. Was this what the Catholic Church, Inc. meant to do, or was it just the most profitable way to go in the long run? Are priests taught to molest our sons, pilfer our pockets, and scare the h-e-double-hockey-sticks out of everybody else? Who knows? God might smite us for even asking.

With all that on the line, it is a wonder "Bully" didn't get an NC-17 rating to make sure no one would see it.
See it. Take your kids. Get the PTA to show it to all the other parents. Screen it at assemblies for school kids to see. Is there any reason why the "bad words" couldn't be bleeped to protect our childlike ears?