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Dalia Lama coming to Los Angeles
Dalai Lama, Long Beach Arena, April 21, 2012 (
Blog Archive
- Women's Meditation Group, Los Angeles
- Earth Hour: Lights Out
- Lottery results
- How to Win the Lottery in 3 Steps
- KOAN: Nansen Cuts a Cat (Case 9)
- "Dear God" (video)
- The "Bully" Conspiracy (trailer)
- KOAN: Solomon Cuts a Baby
- Meet your Meat, Meateaters (video)
- Can a Buddhist be a Christian?
- Would we give up SEX for Web access?
- Sex and Science (video)
- What is Buddhism?
- Occupy: Life at My House Sucks
- Occupy: "What Would Jello Do?" (video)
- Liberation for Humans, Angels, and Gods
- Atheists unite at "Reason Rally"
- Are thoughts the source of ego? (video)
- Bigfoot and Mysteriously Missing Persons
- "Praying" for Peace
- Losing California history
- Irish revolutionary Che Guevara to get statue
- Area 51 is real: museum exhibit (video)
- The Hunger Games: a box office hit!
- "Hunger Games" (and other attractions)
- The Man Who Gave Up Money
- 2012 re-envisioned: Conception Day
- News of the World: Snap Judgment
- 2012: Fall of Aztecs, Mayan Calendar (video)
- Speaking of Hell: The Waveless Deep
- Occupy Wall Street - 6 months later (video)
- LA's new "Esoteric" Buddhism
- Is China coming undone? (video)
- Happy New Year! (Nowruz)
- The Martial Law to come: Alex Jones (video)
- Who brought Buddhism from Asia? (video)
- The First Day of Spring (animation)
- Mexico hit by eerily massive earthquake
- Occupy's "American Spring"
- The Hidden Brain (audio)
- Saving Forests opposed by FBI (trailer)
- "When We Grow...[Weed]" (film)
- Apocalypse: Book of Revelation (Pagels)
- New World Order Defined (film)
- Buddhism in Tajikistan (Central Asia/Russia)
- First Western Buddhist monk was Irish (video)
- Danu (Devi), the Irish Mother Goddess
- St. Patrick destroyed the Pagans of Ireland
- The Christian Pope dies!
- Celtic Buddhism in Vermont and Ireland
- Pagan Blog Project 2012
- "Project X" inspires deadly party (video)
- Kony 2012 creator goes crazy in San Diego
- American mass murderer named (video)
- Felix skydives to Earth from space
- Sex scandal has Yoga industry tied in knots
- Investigation: LSD cures Alcoholism? (video)
- Here in my car: meditation and driving (video)
- The Removal of Distracting Thoughts (sutra)
- The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide (audio)
- "Pink slime" (meat) for school kids
- UCLA study: more yoga-meditation, less stress
- Dick Cheney, war criminal, on the run (video)
- What practice is Ennobling in Buddhism?
- Harvard study: Oops, Meat Eating is Bad!
- Journey to Bhutan, magic Buddhist kingdom
- Strkingly similar: Buddha and Jesus (video)
- US, UK plans for Iran; Israel is loose cannon
- "Buddhism Magazine"
- Kony 2012 is a "white savior" SCAM (video)
- French Introduction to Buddhism (video)
- A new Buddhist JOKE (finally)
- Study: Could LSD treat alcoholism?
- Kucinich, Israel vs. Iran, Keystone (audio)
- The Buddhist wonders of Doi Suthep
- God (Maha Brahma) in Buddhism
- Sutra may help crack Buddha mystery
- Feeding on Joy in a Heaven (video)
- Sex and the Rape of a Buddhist nun
- World War 3, WW III, in the making (video)
- Left Brain versus Right Brain (myth)
- Killing the Man who Raped Me (audio)
- Patriot soldier goes on killing spree
- Fukushima, Japan: One Year Later (Yokai)
- Siddhartha the Buddha (the movie)
- Japanese tsunami anniversary (audio)
- Occupy Los Angeles: Int'l Women's Day
- Buddhist devotion in Thailand (video)
- Sri Yantra: Goddess (LA Yoga Magazine)
- Hating IRAN: "The Shahs of Sunset" (video)
- Buddhist "Discipline"? (Vinaya)
- Dalia Lama coming to Los Angeles
- The Karma Gun
- International Women's Day (March 8th)
- HOW TO: I want to start meditating
- "Miss Representation" (documentary)
- Buddhism can't be that easy!
- Floods of Merit, Abhisanda Sutra (AN 8.39)
- Five Precepts: Basic Good Karma (video)
- Learning English in changing Burma (audio)