
Occupy Wall Street (#OWS) in attempting to recapture that spirit attempted to reoccupy the literal ground that brought it to prominence. The police state would not stand for it. Mayor Bloomberg's private army has standing orders to prevent that at all costs apparently.
Occupy Los Angeles meanwhile has taken advantage of the warming weather to plan more actions. Its recent International Women's Day Saturday celebration was less well attended than hoped, but nevertheless allowed for planning and the formation of new committees. Food Not Bombs provided free food, Lili Hayden the music, Margaret Prescod (host of Sojourner Truth on KPFK.org) the media attention, and new and returning occupiers the energy.

Yesterday, six LAPD officers were found guilty of depriving a Hispanic man of his civil rights and life, dragging him from his home and beating him. His family was awarded 3.2 million, scant justice for commonplace crimes under color of law but justice nonetheless. Do pending Occupy court cases stand any such chance?

If no one speaks, if no one joins peaceful demonstrations or actions protesting police abuses, why would it not continue and escalate?
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