Wisdom Quarterly; IrishTimes.com; BBC's TheWorld.org

I think his name is like Zack de la Rocha? I don't know, but I do know he's Irish (blameitonthevoices.com). Whoever he is, he proves one thing: "Who wins the war writes the history." They don't mention he was a rebel fighting for Latin American equality and freedom. Beneath: Zack fans look on adoringly (utne.com).

Ireland to erect memorial to Che
Lorna Siggens (Western Correspondent, IrishTimes.com)
GALWAY, Ireland - Libertas founder Declan Ganley has described plans to erect a memorial celebrating Galway city’s links with Argentinian guerrilla [freedom] fighter Che Guevara as a “monument to a mass murderer.”

Mr. Ganley said that “significant concerns” about the plan had been raised with him by members of the US business community during a trip there last week and that he feared it would “cast a shadow” on Galway’s international reputation. Warning that it would “damage investment,” he said “we would not build a monument in Galway to Stalin, or to Pol Pot, or to Idi Amin, or to Oliver Cromwell.” More

Mr. Ganley said that “significant concerns” about the plan had been raised with him by members of the US business community during a trip there last week and that he feared it would “cast a shadow” on Galway’s international reputation. Warning that it would “damage investment,” he said “we would not build a monument in Galway to Stalin, or to Pol Pot, or to Idi Amin, or to Oliver Cromwell.” More
- "Che" Guevara (Ernesto Guevara Lynch de la Cerna) was part Irish, a Son of Galway and Father of Revolution (thewildgeese.com).

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