Every year on March 8th, the world celebrates International Women’s Day (IWD).
IWD provides a common day for globally recognizing and applauding achievements as well as for observing and highlighting gender inequalities and issues.
Not just on IWD, but all year round, many organizations and individuals work to support gender equality through a multitude of initiatives, causes, and actions [including the new Occupy Movement].
- Nude and controversial for the movement (femen.org)
- Topfree (topless) Equal Rights Association (tera.ca)
We are dedicated to promoting women’s equality and assist all females to reach their full potential [and enlightenment]. Register a My IWD account and select the 'My Page' option.
Hundreds of pages have been published and are being promoted. Here are just a few examples of what some organizations are doing to support women and International Women's Day. More