Wisdom Quarterly, Feminists opposed to CIA crimes

I'm not retarted and not hatin' on the ladys, I'm just sayin'! Right girls? Where my ladys at?
Rush: The Left made me do it!

Rush Limbaugh opened his syndicated radio show on Monday by reiterating the weekend apology he had made to Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student whom the outspoken host had called a "slut" and "prostitute" for her testimony about contraception the week before. "I descended to [the left's] level when I used those two words to describe Sandra Fluke," Limbaugh [groveled in a desperate effort to get back his lost sponsors and revenue sources]. More
- She should make pornography for us in return, adds Rush.
Se e Minute 1:50: Blacks join new KKK and oppose Slackers
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- Competitive Yoga? If Bikram can make money (Patt Morrison) So relaxing. So inner-directed. So competitive? At this year’s national USA Yoga Asana Championship over the weekend, men and women with the kind of glistening, well-toned bodies people envy came to compete, doing yoga asana (yoga postures) in New York City. They had three minutes to perform seven difficult, athletic poses and hold them.
- The Secrets of the World's Healthiest Women
(Health.com/Shine) From pouring on the olive oil like the Greeks to slashing stress like the Scandinavians, what we can learn from the happiest, slimmest, longest living cultures around the globe. The secret to a long, healthy life in America? According to longevity researchers, it may be to act like you live somewhere else.