Former Uptown Girl [supermodel] Christie Brinkley is a "narcissistic egomaniac" and a "second-rate celebrity starved for attention," according to ex-husband Peter Cook.
Cook, 53, says in a Daily News blog that Brinkley, 58, is "far more concerned with the mirror than our children."
"Her Billy Joel Uptown Girl music video fame faded long ago and the only thing left for her to garner media attention is to continue to publicize the tawdry details of her 'nasty divorce' from her fourth failed marriage," Cook said of his former wife. More
- Supermodels are attention-junkies? We thought they were just effortlessly beautiful, rich, and famous. Look at Tyra Banks. On second thought, don't look. Where there's that much attention, there's more than a little crazy. This is what becomes of relying excessively on something that's bound to fade. All things are passing (impermanent) but few so quickly as our beauty and fame. To have had that much success and still be Jonesing, well, kind of makes sense. Apparently, no one ever has enough money either. So they go for their God-given right to be a politician. Like a good underwear-wearing Mormon:

It's going to be so great when Mormons take over the White House. Then it can probably be moved out of DC to Utah, God's "promised land" on this continent, according to Joseph Smith. "Washington, SLC"? Sounds good. South Park will finally be banned from TV. Jehovah's Witnesses can knock on all doors -- surely one outsider Christian sect will help the others -- and we can all get Saturdays off. But work Sundays. We can all look up to Willard Mittens and aspire to be Vulture Capitalists like the God of Kolob intended. Oh, "Kolob" is the planet God lives on, because the "Gods" and "gods" as everyone should by now know thanks to the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens," are all extraterrestrials from other stars, other constellations, other inhabited planets. More interestingly, not only is Ann Romney's husband destined to be an also-ran, but he's doing it like his father before him, and the the founder of Mormonism before them. Yes, General Joseph Smith wanted to be president after finding those sacred tablets no one else could see.