Author and consultant Pam Oslie has an ability to read and interpret auras. This has yielded evidence for parallel universes, and how we can navigate them. But how can I become aware of my own aura?
Oslie has two techniques, one visual and one practical. The visual is described below, but the practical is a quiz one can take right away.
People have different color auras, seen as a radiant field or as bands stretching out for a fathom (about six feet) around them. The bands closest to the body are called "life colors." They stay the same, according to Oslie, while the outer bands change in color and reflect passing emotions.
The Buddha's AuraThere is an internationally recognized "Buddhist flag." It is composed of the colors of his aura. Designed to celebrate the renaissance of Buddhism on the ancient Indian island of Sri Lanka in 1880, it is made up of the six colors of Buddha’s aura after enlightenment:
- BLUE (nila) symbolizes universal compassion
- YELLOW (pita) represents the Middle Path
- RED (lohitha) signifies the five blessings of the practice of Buddhism: achievement, wisdom, virtue, fortune, and dignity.
- WHITE (odata) for purity which leads to the liberation of time and space
- ORANGE (manjesta) for the wisdom of the Buddha’s teaching; Burma uses GREEN.
- BLENDED (pabbhassara, rainbow combination): the last stripe is a blend of all the colors, which for simplicity of design is represented as a multicolored stripe, just as light is made up of all colors of the rainbow, the prabashvara is effectively the "essence of light" (42).
Seeing is believingTo get started seeing auras, put someone in front of a white background, "and then just kind of look past them with soft eyes, and the first thing you'll probably see is this white glow around their head."
The specific colors of the life auras such as violet, tan, green, and yellow, are associated with different personality types. For instance, violets are visionaries and dreamers; reds are powerful, volatile, and strong-tempered; yellows are youthful and enjoy fun; greens are willful and tend to be workaholics; and lavenders are sweet, sensitive, and child-like, Oslie has found.
The Aura Quiz on her website helps one determine their true colors. Why does it matter? Based on individual auras, people will either tend to be compatible with other specific aura color personalities or not, Oslie explains, and to that end she has developed the LoveColors online dating site.
- HOW TO: Natural Ability: We all came into this lifetime with the ability to see auras. Infants and animals still see auras... A dog will growl and bark at one person, yet befriend and wag his tail at another. A baby will often smile and reach out to one person, but cry and pull back from another....We have all felt drawn to certain people. We feel comfortable and attracted to their energy or presence. We have also felt repelled, uneasy, or uncomfortable... Different Methods: People often learn to see or sense the aura...using the method that comes natural...
- Feeling the Aura: Some people first sense the aura through their physical bodies. Some are able to feel the heat from a person's aura through their hands.
- Exercise: You may experiment with this method by holding the palms of your hands approximately three feet from a person's body and slowly moving in toward the body until you feel the sensation...
- Seeing the Aura:
- White Glow: When you first start seeing the aura, you may see a white glow around a person's head. The aura is typically the brightest and strongest around the head.
- Colors: It may take a while before you begin seeing the different colors in the aura. Different people often see the colors differently -- just as we each taste food differently. Read all the details
- Feeling the Aura: Some people first sense the aura through their physical bodies. Some are able to feel the heat from a person's aura through their hands.
Other DimensionsTime does not really exist. It is merely a constraint we use in this reality. Along those lines, Oslie reveals, different parallel universes co-exist with ours. She is able to intentionally travel to or communicate with people in those other realms.
As quantum physics theorizes, we can be in multiple places at the same time, and Oslie believes we seamlessly shift in and out of different universes and timelines (by the choices we make), without even consciously realizing it.