This year the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles featured a rare live appearance by radical religious historian and language expert Zecharia Sitchin. And Wisdom Quarterly was there. Sitchin is nearly 90, but in a lecture that spanned two-and-a-half hours he detailed how the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, Hebrew Bible, and Egyptian hieroglyphs all converge to make one point: Our mythologies are in fact histories. Our technologies and civilizations were handed to us. These things really happened. There are real forebears from space (devas, Elohim/gods, Nephilim/giants, Annunaki/visitors, angels, Eagle-men, ancient astronauts) like Enki in Sumer. They came on shem (vimana, spacecraft) and communicated with kings and leaders on Earth. This includes the Maya, Babylonians, and older cultures.He made it very clear that the Mayans made no prophecies about destruction. The Mayan Calendar does not represent the end of the world. It is a long-form count of days (cycles of 144,000) between an event that occurred in 3113 BC and its anticipated reoccurrence. What event? The coming of the sky god (winged serpent, naga king, or dragon) Quetzalcoatl. The date may actually be 2060 not 2012. Other than that, Sitchin is actually very contemporary in his concerns. He is from Israel, fears Iran (ancient Persia), wonders about Iraq (ancient Mesopotamia), and is concerned with enormously significant prophecies and revelations.
At the end of his long lecture, perhaps feeling that he had let people down by not answering the questions we had written for him (which he will instead answer on his website), he made a shocking announcement. He will publish one more book. It has already been sent to press with the working title There Were Giants. The last chapter of this book is kept under lock and key with the publisher because premature release of it would destroy the purpose of the prophecy. But that prophecy will rock the world, he says. Look forward to publication of this final book by a great historian and linguist at the end of May.
Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin
Author of The 12th Planet and several other books in the Earth Chronicles series, Sitchin argues that the deities of the ancient Near East were real... The Adam was not a person but a race translated as Earthlings, the result of engineering by the Anunnaki and their genetic feats on Earth.