Andrew Brown (

The General Synod this morning held a debate on science and religion, full of ordained scientists arguing that of course science and atheism are compatible. Indeed, the final vote was 241 to 2 in favor of the motion. I have failed to establish the identity of the dissident two. Faced with such a consensus, I thought it might be fun to flip the question on its back and ask to what extent science is compatible with atheism. Obviously the two are closely linked, in as much as science assumes the falsity or at least irrelevance of supernaturalism. But science is more than physics and chemistry, more even than biology. And the human sciences challenge a lot of beliefs held by many atheists. More>>

- Religion and science not mutually exclusive
Rejecting science "weakens Christian voice" but church-goers "should not take Bible as a modern textbook." Members of the Church of England have voted overwhelmingly in favor of a motion that religion and science are compatible despite bruising assaults by atheist scientists like Richard Dawkins. - What the Buddha really said before he passed away
According to the earliest historical records of the Buddha’s teachings , the events leading to the passing of the Buddha can be found in the Mahaparanibbana Sutta of the Longer Discourses. The end of birth, suffering, and death is attainable in this life through enlightenment, via the practice of meditation.