Mystery of single-sex species solvedHow female-only species survive without genetic variation has long baffled biologists ( What are Nagas? - Asexual reproduction - Primates near extinction - Frozen human genome

Huge space-junk collision averted
Mayhem in the heavens is avoided when two space objects just miss crashing into each other.

In Chinese medicine, different parts of your face give clues to what’s going on inside your body. Five facial zones - Healing power of tea - Natural pain relief tips - Chinese medicine

The giant Brachiosaurus creatures were embedded in stone so hard that explosives were necessary. Meet "Abydosaurus" - Dinos that didn't chew
Ancient wall may unlock Bible mystery
Newfound ruins could help settle a long-running dispute about the Bible's historical accuracy. More relics found in dig - Shroud of Turin exhibit - U.S. returning stolen coffin