If you support truth, free speech, and civil liberties, support Pacifica. If you enjoy the Buddhist Dharma and Zen philosophy of Alan Watts and Shinzen Young, the unembedded coverage of DemocracyNow! and the voices of fearless scholars (like Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky) and physicians (like Helen Caldicott, Gary Null, and Hulda Clark), support Pacifica. If you want to see gender, race, and human equality in our lifetime, support Pacifica. In short, if you want to hear trust spoken to power, join us in supporting Pacifica. Fund drive is on now.
- Pacifica.org (for local stations)
All the colors of the rainbow united -- a symbol for the coalition of races, hippies, idealists, psychedelia fans, gays, or anyone who believes in human equality.