Stan Thayne, Religion Compass blog
(Feb. 18, 2010)
Catholic Joseph Reyes converted to Judaism in 2004. He joined the faith of his wife Rebecca, he claims, in order to appease his in-laws. Now in the midst of a bitter divorce, Reyes has returned to Catholicism. This has raised the question of which religion their daughter should be raised in.

Catholic Joseph Reyes converted to Judaism in 2004. He joined the faith of his wife Rebecca, he claims, in order to appease his in-laws. Now in the midst of a bitter divorce, Reyes has returned to Catholicism. This has raised the question of which religion their daughter should be raised in.
Reyes took the decision upon himself and had his daughter baptized without her mother’s knowledge or consent. When Reyes sent photos of the event to his ex-wife, as she claims, in order to taunt her, she pressed charges. The circuit court judge of Cook County, Illinois, imposed a thirty-day restraining order on Reyes which forbids him from “exposing his daughter to any other religion than the Jewish religion.”

- Missionaries freed by Haitian judge land in US
MIAMI (AP) – Eight American missionaries freed by a Haitian judge landed in Miami early Thursday, nearly three weeks after the group was charged with kidnapping for trying to take 33 children out of the quake-stricken country. Slideshow