Grand Buddha, Sichuan (Szechwan) province, China (Flickr/Jean Huang Photography)
Jean Huang has captured brilliant images of China. An amazing pool of Buddhist photos from India and Kathmandu is now available. See also WN Abram's India gallery and Siebe's Thailand collection.
- Catholicism (lumped with Christianity)
- Buddhism (with more than one billion uncounted Buddhists in communist China)
- Islam (over one billion followers), Hinduism (over 800 million, almost all in India)
- Indigenous traditions (shamanism, Shinto)
- New faiths (Baha'i, Nichiren) and cults
Worldwide there are fewer than 15 million Jews. They are disproportionately represented so as to make Judaism seem like a world religion. In fact, it is so small as to be insignificant. But like Jainism, which strongly associates with Hinduism, it makes a disproportionate impact. Information on the geographic distribution of religions and their major traditions is widely available on the Web. Source
- Humanity's Original: Sumerian Space Gods
- India-China-Pakistan: Kashmir conflict continues
The oldest organized religion was Sumerian translated here in cartoon form with real scripture.
Agnosticism - Atheism - Baha'ism - Buddhism - Candomble - Cao Dai - Catholicism - Christianity - Confucianism - Cults - Deism - Gnosticism - Hinduism - Humanism - Islam - Jainism - Jehovah's Witness - Judaism - Mormon - Pagan - Pantheism - Quakers - Rastafari - Religious Texts - Santeria - Scientology - Shamanism - Sikhism - Spiritualism - Taoism - Universal Life Church - Universalism - Zoroastrianism