The Department of Mad Scientists (DARPA)

What is DARPA? It's a secretive government agency, a real Department of Mad Scientists. It's involved in visionary war technology, UFO production, reverse-engineering, and the funding of "mad scientists."

DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and like NASA (its larger sister organization), it is militarizing space. It is engaged in chemtrail research, psychic phenomena, and Black Ops (highly classified and often illegal military projects).

ARPA invented the Internet, which began in 1969 with an email message between UCLA and Stanford University, both in California. (APRA is the same organization before it was taken over by the Defense industry). Hear Southern California Public Radio's President's Day interview with the author of The Department of Mad Scientists, Michael Belfiore.

DARPA funded project: a mechanical horse hauling 350 lbs (Boston Dynamics)

Move over Al Gore, the Internet was invented in a dark corner of the U.S. government known as DARPA. The name may sound clunky and dull, yet their research is anything but. From cars that drive themselves to self-guided bullets, Belfiore peered behind the curtain and returned with the inside scoop on many of DARPA’s projects, past and present, in The Department of Mad Scientists: How DARPA is Remaking our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs".

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