Palin, daughter lash out at "Family Guy"
The ex-vice-presidential candidate and her daughter Bristol slam an episode of Family Guy, "Another kick in the gut" - Palin's presidential odds - Does she terrify Clinton? - Palin quotes
I want to meet the Buddha. He lived 25 centuries ago. The problem is that we can re-invent somebody who lived that long ago, and in a sense, re-form that person in our own image, taking what he said or supposedly said. Meeting the Buddha today
Palin and Bush mysteries stir the Web
The notes on Sarah Palin's hand and an odd billboard with George W. Bush are sensations. Palin's hand - White House Palin joke - Bush billboard - Palin for president?

The notes on Sarah Palin's hand and an odd billboard with George W. Bush are sensations. Palin's hand - White House Palin joke - Bush billboard - Palin for president?

Mystery of King Tut's death solved by DNA
Egypt's famous boy-king suffered from "multiple disorders," an extensive study reveals. New clues to family tree, too - Guardian of Egypt's past - Saving Kathmandu's "soul"
Egypt's famous boy-king suffered from "multiple disorders," an extensive study reveals. New clues to family tree, too - Guardian of Egypt's past - Saving Kathmandu's "soul"
Will Year of the Tiger bring you luck?
Chinese astrology has good and bad news if you're seeking love or money. Chinese astrology - How zodiac works - Find your zodiac animal
Chinese astrology has good and bad news if you're seeking love or money. Chinese astrology - How zodiac works - Find your zodiac animal
Inside incredible "Crystal Cave of Giants"
Deep below the surface, a deadly-hot chamber is filled with the world's largest crystals (Discovery.com). The Naica mine - Hottest temp ever - New species filmed
Deep below the surface, a deadly-hot chamber is filled with the world's largest crystals (Discovery.com). The Naica mine - Hottest temp ever - New species filmed

Woman faces $555,000 in student debt
Dr. Michelle Bisutti's ordeal shows how school loans can quickly spiral out of control. Even bankruptcy may not help - Small banks offer options - Student loan calculator - The credit score that's key