Save the date for the "Yoga Sound Bath," Sunday, June 3rd, 11:00 am-1:00 pm: Deepen your yoga practice, learn how sound can transform the experience! ($25 preregistered, $30 at door). Do it by email me or follow me for periodic updates and inspirational messages at Fox Power Yoga.
Asana focus: "Eagle Pose" (garudasana)
Stand in mountain pose (tadasana). Wrap the right arm under the left crossing at the forearms with the thumbs toward the face. Get hands in the prayer pose or, if not, interlace the fingers. Pull arms down so that fingers come below the nose. Bend the knees slightly, and wrap the right thigh as high as possible over the left thigh, wrapping the foot behind the calf so that all five toes show from the front. Close any gaps between the foot/ankle and the leg. Squeeze the arms and legs to open the joints of the arms, legs, toes, and fingers. Work the hips further down. Pull the scapulae down. Lift the chest. Pull wrists, elbows, knees, and standing ankle into a single line down the center. Pull the standing shin back, and press down the heel while lifting the arch of the foot. BENEFITS: Opens and stretches all of the major joints in the body, massages the reproductive organs, flushes lymphatic fluid in axillary and groin region, and is said to reduce cellulite in the thighs.

See you on the mat, love and light,