JOSHUA TREE, California - Charismatic, white turban wearing Sikh master and businessman-guru Yogi Bhajan (founder of Yogi Teas, most of which sadly are now infused with excito-toxic chemical flavorants called "natural flavors" only because they mimic something that exists in nature) brought Kundalini Yoga to America and popularized it.
He established many students (Sikhs, "warrior-saints"), converting many teachers and disciples to Sikhism, a blend of Islam-influences from the west and the Hinduism and other dharma-based traditions of the East.
Yoga means "union," particularly denoting union with the divine, however one defines the ineffable. It is usually defined by the access point, the breath. So working to unite the little self with the transcendent self, bringing together heaven and Earth, is the goal of this path or dharma.
He established many students (Sikhs, "warrior-saints"), converting many teachers and disciples to Sikhism, a blend of Islam-influences from the west and the Hinduism and other dharma-based traditions of the East.
Yoga means "union," particularly denoting union with the divine, however one defines the ineffable. It is usually defined by the access point, the breath. So working to unite the little self with the transcendent self, bringing together heaven and Earth, is the goal of this path or dharma.
(SpiritVoyage) Sat Nam Fest introduces The GuruGanesha Band. It is "a unique blend of raga, kirtan, and rock..." noted for effortless grace and mellifluous acoustic guitar work. Guru Ganesha's journey gradually brought him back to his first love, the electric guitar.
Kundalini Yoga Master Gurmukh is the American superstar of the tradition and the Los Angeles representative of the movement. She founded an expansive yoga studio complex, Golden Bridge, in West Los Angeles then moved it to a much bigger building in Hollywood.
We get little calls in our life to awaken from the slumber of illusion.
Gurmukh talks about some of her calls, which put her on the path.
Kundalini is a super feminine-friendly version of yoga, less about form and more about moving energy and awakening kundalini, the serpentine force at the base of the spine seen and described by many Indian rishis.
Now there is an established annual festival, the "Truth Name" (Sat Nam) Fest, that brings together this popular form of the increasingly popular spiritual exercise known in gyms across America simply as yoga and one 1960's American spiritual movement that helped make it popular.
Kundalini Yoga Master Gurmukh is the American superstar of the tradition and the Los Angeles representative of the movement. She founded an expansive yoga studio complex, Golden Bridge, in West Los Angeles then moved it to a much bigger building in Hollywood.
We get little calls in our life to awaken from the slumber of illusion.
Gurmukh talks about some of her calls, which put her on the path.
Kundalini is a super feminine-friendly version of yoga, less about form and more about moving energy and awakening kundalini, the serpentine force at the base of the spine seen and described by many Indian rishis.
Now there is an established annual festival, the "Truth Name" (Sat Nam) Fest, that brings together this popular form of the increasingly popular spiritual exercise known in gyms across America simply as yoga and one 1960's American spiritual movement that helped make it popular.

- Liz's Sat Nam Fest Experience: Day 1 Recap
- Liz McCollum (April 13, 2012) Not yet at the Sat Nam Fest? You should be! If you can't be, here's what you missed on Thursday.
- Spirit Voyage's Free Music Friday: Mayray Govinda
- (April 6) Sat Nam Fest artist Jai-Jagdeesh and Spirit Voyage wish everyone a happy Free Music Friday!
- Snatam Kaur featured in LA Yoga Magazine!
- Ramdesh Kaur (April 4) LA's favorite free yoga magazine contains a List of Festivals including the Sat Nam Fest. The magazine focused on Snatam Kaur. "Snatam Kaur is a precision ballet; complicated with a gracious, polished intensity."
- Sat Nam Fest special (Spirit Voyage radio with Ramdesh)
- Kathryn Livingston (April 6) examines the possibilities of this spiritual festival focusing on God [EDITOR'S NOTE: Sikhism is monotheistic looking toward Brahman, the ultimate reality, expressed as sat-chit-ananda, the three qualities of the experience of GOD: truth, expanded consciousness, and pure bliss] and the divine dance. As the anticipation and excitement grows for upcoming Sat Nam Fest, look back on the outpouring of creativity, love, and fun at the last festival. More