Gently close the eyes, straighten the spine, and take two very deep inhales in a row, exhaling through the mouth with an audible sigh each time. Notice the relaxation in the body as the breath is let out.
Now without changing the natural rhythm of the breath in any way, simply focus awareness only on the out breath. To help maintain concentration, silently label each exhale, or every 4-6 seconds, “Release.” Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Putting the focus on Release in the background, concentrate awareness in Image Space behind closed eyes. Along with the possible presence of images, colors, or fragments there will be a general sense of dark or bright. Choose whichever is easier to focus on, and silently label it “Dark” or “Bright” and continue to focus on Image Space for 1-2 minutes.
Release the Dark/Bright. While focusing on Dark/Bright on the inhale, also focus on Release on the exhale. Silent labeling would be “Dark/Bright” during the in breath followed by “Release” during the out breath. Continue 1-2 minutes.
Try this 5-Minute Chill before getting out of the car. It is fruitful when returning from work or errands, or sitting behind sunglasses in a waiting room, drinking tea at Starbucks, in line at the supermarket, and so on. If it is too difficult to begin alone in daily life, practice with a meditation group until it becomes second nature. Then relaxation can be deployed at will anywhere as needed.
Gently close the eyes, straighten the spine, and take two very deep inhales in a row, exhaling through the mouth with an audible sigh each time. Notice the relaxation in the body as the breath is let out.
Now without changing the natural rhythm of the breath in any way, simply focus awareness only on the out breath. To help maintain concentration, silently label each exhale, or every 4-6 seconds, “Release.” Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Putting the focus on Release in the background, concentrate awareness in Image Space behind closed eyes. Along with the possible presence of images, colors, or fragments there will be a general sense of dark or bright. Choose whichever is easier to focus on, and silently label it “Dark” or “Bright” and continue to focus on Image Space for 1-2 minutes.
Release the Dark/Bright. While focusing on Dark/Bright on the inhale, also focus on Release on the exhale. Silent labeling would be “Dark/Bright” during the in breath followed by “Release” during the out breath. Continue 1-2 minutes.
Try this 5-Minute Chill before getting out of the car. It is fruitful when returning from work or errands, or sitting behind sunglasses in a waiting room, drinking tea at Starbucks, in line at the supermarket, and so on. If it is too difficult to begin alone in daily life, practice with a meditation group until it becomes second nature. Then relaxation can be deployed at will anywhere as needed.