Buddhism is weekly on the radio and Internet. Every Sunday morning is led by a few minutes of Zen with classic Alan Watts programming. Thursday nights, however, features a much wider offering by Roy of Hollywood Tuckman. The show, "Something's Happening," runs from midnight to 5:00 am and regularly features
Pema Chodron, Shinzen Young, D.T. Suzuki, "
Sounds True" interviews, Alan Watts, and other prominent Buddhists, neuroscientists, and New Age luminaries. Fortunately, most programming from Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles -- the throat
chakra of the country -- is archived for 90 days and can be listened to or downloaded FREE at:

Most amazing is Watts' recent (pre-recorded) examination of the origins of Mahayana and how it veered from early Buddhist teachings to become a messianic early Christianity waiting for the Buddha-to-come (Maitreya) and spreading the cheerful "Good News" that we are all already enlightened, if only we would realize it already. This, sadly, is not the historical Buddha's new message; it is the old or timeless message of Vedic Brahmanism.