Buddhism on the radio (audio)

Alan Watts, Roy Tuckman Something's Happening, KPFK.org (Pacifica online)

Buddhism is weekly on the radio and Internet. Every Sunday morning is led by a few minutes of Zen with classic Alan Watts programming. Thursday nights, however, features a much wider offering by Roy of Hollywood Tuckman. The show, "Something's Happening," runs from midnight to 5:00 am and regularly features Pema Chodron, Shinzen Young, D.T. Suzuki, "Sounds True" interviews, Alan Watts, and other prominent Buddhists, neuroscientists, and New Age luminaries. Fortunately, most programming from Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles -- the throat chakra of the country -- is archived for 90 days and can be listened to or downloaded FREE at:
Most amazing is Watts' recent (pre-recorded) examination of the origins of Mahayana and how it veered from early Buddhist teachings to become a messianic early Christianity waiting for the Buddha-to-come (Maitreya) and spreading the cheerful "Good News" that we are all already enlightened, if only we would realize it already. This, sadly, is not the historical Buddha's new message; it is the old or timeless message of Vedic Brahmanism.
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