L.A. Theatre Works (The Play's the Thing, KPFK.org)
MP3 Audio: "Completeness" (Part 1 and 2)
A pair of brainy graduate students fall in love while tackling some of science’s biggest unsolved questions. But can their book-smarts help them through the innate uncertainties of romance? Jason Ritter and Mandy Siegfried star in Completeness by Itamar Moses.
A pair of brainy graduate students fall in love while tackling some of science’s biggest unsolved questions. But can their book-smarts help them through the innate uncertainties of romance? Jason Ritter and Mandy Siegfried star in Completeness by Itamar Moses.
With Andre Sogliuzzo and Mia Barron. Stage manager: Amanda Allen. Live sound effects by Michael Rhea. Associate producer: Christina Montano. Original music and sound design by Bray Poor. Editing by Wes Dewberry. Recording, mixing, and additional sound design by Mark Holden for the Invisible Studios, West Hollywood. Our director is Stephen Sachs.
- This play is part of L.A. Theatre Works’ Relativity Series featuring science-themed plays. Major funding for the Relativity Series is provided by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, to enhance public understanding of science and technology in the modern world.

It is generously supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to enhance public understanding of science and technology. The Relativity Series presents science as a thoroughly human endeavor, bringing to life the people and stories behind the research and invention that shapes and changes our world.