Will there be Pagan egg hunts, rabbit activities, puking pricey stout from decorative pewter pots, and lots of gratuitous cleavage? If history is any guide. But for, apart from playing the role of bunnies, it has grown stale.
RenFair is in its 50th year and tickets are only costs $23. The circus doesn't come through town anymore, unless you count those tiny carnivals with dangerous rides maiming seasonal workers weather permitting.
RenFair is the only outlet for Buddhist-Pagans (PegaBus), Wiccans, Zentastic hedonists, and anyone looking to push the envelope in a world that has devalued play for the sake of play.
WARNING: Vulgar elements! (Natesvlogs) The Renaissance Pleasure Faire annually lands in suburban LA (Irwindale's Santa Fe Dam recreational area). It is dirty, everyone is tipsy on mead with half exposed breasts, and looking for magic. Never in my life have I seen so much cleavage or females fighting to the death with swords.
- From the mystical Andes comes Anahi, the sultry Spanish courtesan who entrances with her miraculous voice.
- From the splendor of mother Spain comes the fiery and hypnotic Herencia Flamenca with celebrated world-class artists Paco and Yolanda Arroyo.
- From the magical South Seas and exotic isles of Samoa, Aotearoa, and Tahiti come the mesmerizing and seductive dances and drums of Tupua.
- From the Buddhist and Hindu island of Sri Lanka and the vast Indian subcontinent comes Sakuntala, master of Bharata Natyam, the classical dance of Tamil Nadu, south India.
- From the imperial dynasty of Zen China come the extraordinary spiritual feats of the Kung Fu Heroes.
- From the formerly Buddhist Central Asian melting pot regions of Armenia, Turkey, Persia, and Arabia comes the brilliant Oudist composer and singer John Bilezikjian and the consummate belly and folkloric dancers of Al Seraphim Mora.
- From beyond the Buddhist Silk Route, come the authentic exotic sounds and hypnotic dancing of Baba Ku.
- From post-Buddhist Mexico's Aztec and Inca kingdoms of Peru come the awe-inspiring magic feats of E=mCirique2.
- From the exquisite Buddhist Kingdom of Siam (Thailand) comes the Lan Sattha group with their magnificent traditional dances. More