(G) Four women are regressed to their past lives then seek the places they remembered.
Living beings are reborn (never "reincarnated") countless times. Only rarely do they have the opportunity to be human and make merit.
However, if someone dies suddenly or unexpectedly without having exhausted the karma that came to fruition as rebirth in the human plane, they are more likely to return with the same general appearance and the same kind of life that was interrupted. It is fortunate but rare.
Unfortunately, these reports lead to the assumption or "logical" conclusion (based on partial information) that it is common or easy to be reborn as a human. Even rarer is a life with all of one's faculties, an interest, or any kind of opportunity to meet with the Dharma and answers to the the Big Questions.
While we have countless lives, a minute percentage of them (a fraction) of them have been as human. Looked at across time, it is astonishing how rare this wonderful opportunity for merit is. The Buddha compared it -- in terms of galactic and cosmological time -- to the likelihood that a blind turtle tossed into the sea that only popped its head out of the water every hundred years would pop its head threw a ring tossed into the same sea and tossed about by wind and waves.
Akashic Records and our holographic bodies also hold info.
In fact, the Buddha pointed out, it would sooner happen that that turtle would put its head through the ring than one, having fallen into subhuman planes of existence, would again be reborn in the human world. Most beings are crowded into five inferior planes beneath the human world. And a lesser number live much longer in 25 superior planes. Of course, these 31 Planes of Existence are just general categories for countless worlds, planets, and dimensions.
If we want and demand scientific proof, we can find it. If we want direct, personal knowledge, that is also available, and it is far more convincing. Past life regression through hypnosis is one method.
(CDs from Dick Sutphen and other American regressionists are also available for those unwilling to take this psychonautic exploration too seriously).
It sometimes happens spontaneously that one recovers memories. Plant substances sometimes jolt the and pierce the veil, but often with unreliable and distorted results that cannot be duplicated to verify. It frequently happens close to death as we stand between lives and realms.
And it is most safely explored through the practice of insight (vipassana) meditation with the aid of absorption (jhana). While not common, it is also possible to be born remembering one or more past lives. Children who make such reports are often scolded and talked out of it, when in fact with time they would likely forget or repress such memories on their own. More
(TAM) This is the remarkable story of a 5-year-old boy from Glasgow who has been telling stories of a past life on the remote island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides ever since he could talk. His mother, unconvinced by a psychologist's explanation, decides to visit Dr. Jim Tucker of the University of Virginia, before travelling to Barra to see if any of the tales of her son's "previous life" can be verified.
Marilyn Monroe's death fits the pattern to a quick return.
Living beings are reborn (never "reincarnated") countless times. Only rarely do they have the opportunity to be human and make merit.

Unfortunately, these reports lead to the assumption or "logical" conclusion (based on partial information) that it is common or easy to be reborn as a human. Even rarer is a life with all of one's faculties, an interest, or any kind of opportunity to meet with the Dharma and answers to the the Big Questions.
While we have countless lives, a minute percentage of them (a fraction) of them have been as human. Looked at across time, it is astonishing how rare this wonderful opportunity for merit is. The Buddha compared it -- in terms of galactic and cosmological time -- to the likelihood that a blind turtle tossed into the sea that only popped its head out of the water every hundred years would pop its head threw a ring tossed into the same sea and tossed about by wind and waves.
Akashic Records and our holographic bodies also hold info.
In fact, the Buddha pointed out, it would sooner happen that that turtle would put its head through the ring than one, having fallen into subhuman planes of existence, would again be reborn in the human world. Most beings are crowded into five inferior planes beneath the human world. And a lesser number live much longer in 25 superior planes. Of course, these 31 Planes of Existence are just general categories for countless worlds, planets, and dimensions.

(CDs from Dick Sutphen and other American regressionists are also available for those unwilling to take this psychonautic exploration too seriously).
It sometimes happens spontaneously that one recovers memories. Plant substances sometimes jolt the and pierce the veil, but often with unreliable and distorted results that cannot be duplicated to verify. It frequently happens close to death as we stand between lives and realms.
And it is most safely explored through the practice of insight (vipassana) meditation with the aid of absorption (jhana). While not common, it is also possible to be born remembering one or more past lives. Children who make such reports are often scolded and talked out of it, when in fact with time they would likely forget or repress such memories on their own. More
(TAM) This is the remarkable story of a 5-year-old boy from Glasgow who has been telling stories of a past life on the remote island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides ever since he could talk. His mother, unconvinced by a psychologist's explanation, decides to visit Dr. Jim Tucker of the University of Virginia, before travelling to Barra to see if any of the tales of her son's "previous life" can be verified.
Marilyn Monroe's death fits the pattern to a quick return.
Another Way to Access the Information
Brianstalin is a Reiki master who has spent many years in the Far East. Healers who have daily access to the Akashic Records have taught him that accurate past life data retrieval requires simple and focused psychic techniques very similar to dowsing. Subjective psychic impressions tend to be heavily tainted, resulting in distorted and inaccurate data. This is mostly evident in deep trance states experienced by those under hypnosis and those mediums who channel disembodied entities, allowing them to temporarily inhabit their bodies, to speak through them. Dowsing, contrary to popular belief, is very objective and the information obtained by such means can be very unexpected and intriguing. A number of psychic techniques and investigations can then be used to test the data later. A pendulum is a good start, but sensitive dowsers can rely on increasingly subtle mental, physical, and psychic vibrations and sensations. Of course, the conclusions reached by ego can never be a good substitute for lots of meditation and healing/energy work.
Ectoplasmic "spirit" (gandhabba) evidence
What is a "being to be born" (gandhabba)?
Rebirth without a soul or self?
Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly (VITAL TECHNICALITIES)
A gandhabba refers to a being (or, strictly speaking, part of the causal continuum of consciousness) in a liminal state between death and rebirth. Anyone seeing it might call it a "soul" or "discarnate spirit" after "giving up the ghost."
But it is a transient body not a permanent entity transmigrating from life to life.
What then crosses from life to life into the hereafter? The Five Aggregates of Clinging (skandha) dissolve as they arise, stopping here in this life. There is a transmission of influence, but no "thing" crosses over.
New aggregates arise ("again become") in this impersonal process of continued wandering on called samsara.
Phenomena is impersonal. Those elements of personality are clung to as "self," but they are not self. They do not belong to any individual or ego. They are not subject to one's control. They are conditional, impersonal, impermanent, and disappointing. Not seeing them as they really are, we go from life to life, death to death, beset by suffering, clinging to notions of "self."
Realizing this ultimate truth, not "believing" it, is crucial to gaining the first stage of enlightenment and glimpsing the complete freedom of nirvana.
Brianstalin is a Reiki master who has spent many years in the Far East. Healers who have daily access to the Akashic Records have taught him that accurate past life data retrieval requires simple and focused psychic techniques very similar to dowsing. Subjective psychic impressions tend to be heavily tainted, resulting in distorted and inaccurate data. This is mostly evident in deep trance states experienced by those under hypnosis and those mediums who channel disembodied entities, allowing them to temporarily inhabit their bodies, to speak through them. Dowsing, contrary to popular belief, is very objective and the information obtained by such means can be very unexpected and intriguing. A number of psychic techniques and investigations can then be used to test the data later. A pendulum is a good start, but sensitive dowsers can rely on increasingly subtle mental, physical, and psychic vibrations and sensations. Of course, the conclusions reached by ego can never be a good substitute for lots of meditation and healing/energy work.
Ectoplasmic "spirit" (gandhabba) evidence
What is a "being to be born" (gandhabba)?
Rebirth without a soul or self?
Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly (VITAL TECHNICALITIES)
A gandhabba refers to a being (or, strictly speaking, part of the causal continuum of consciousness) in a liminal state between death and rebirth. Anyone seeing it might call it a "soul" or "discarnate spirit" after "giving up the ghost."
But it is a transient body not a permanent entity transmigrating from life to life.
What then crosses from life to life into the hereafter? The Five Aggregates of Clinging (skandha) dissolve as they arise, stopping here in this life. There is a transmission of influence, but no "thing" crosses over.
New aggregates arise ("again become") in this impersonal process of continued wandering on called samsara.
- Religious "eternalists" are mistaken to assume a "permanent soul or self" (atman, atta) survives death and crosses over.
- Scientific "annihilationists" are likewise mistaken to assume that Buddhism's teaching of "selflessness or soullessness" (anatman, anatta) agrees with their materialist view that we are only physical entities that cease to exist at death.
- Both views, opposite positions, are incorrect. The truth is stranger and can be personally verified, the result of which is liberation from self-view (sakkāya-diṭṭhi) and the gaining of the first stage of enlightenment.
Phenomena is impersonal. Those elements of personality are clung to as "self," but they are not self. They do not belong to any individual or ego. They are not subject to one's control. They are conditional, impersonal, impermanent, and disappointing. Not seeing them as they really are, we go from life to life, death to death, beset by suffering, clinging to notions of "self."
Realizing this ultimate truth, not "believing" it, is crucial to gaining the first stage of enlightenment and glimpsing the complete freedom of nirvana.