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GATE 2 coming to California (Feb. 4, 2012)
Blog Archive
- Life on the Human Plane (video)
- Opting out of Catholicism (NPR audio)
- "Special K" for Depression (audio)
- Who will save Buddhists?
- Invisible War: Rape in the US military (video)
- The Breath's Counterpart Sign (video)
- UFO evidence, contact: "Fastwalkers" (film)
- Why is rebirth not "reincarnation"?
- Life after Life: The Scientific Study of Rebirth
- How to understand Buddhism (animation)
- Making "Merit" in Buddhism (Part 3)
- "Buddhism A to Z" (dictionary)
- Low IQ + Conservative beliefs = Prejudice
- Scientific study: Anne Frank lives again
- Why is DMT illegal when Elite use it? (audio)
- GATE 2 coming to California (Feb. 4, 2012)
- Bjork to teach science in New York (video)
- Clean up of bodies, rubbish on Mt. Everest
- United POLICE States of America (video)
- Music Meditation at Against the Stream
- "Norwegian Wood" (trailer)
- Black Buddha, Black Jesus, "Malcolm X Day"
- India: Berserk bus driver (video)
- Joan Halifax at Against the Stream (Feb. 18)
- Twitter's Online Meditation Crew
- I'm too fat - and not like the Happy Buddha
- Happy (Lunar) New Year!
- The pre-Indian "Aryans" (documentary)
- Smallfoot? Extinct jungle primate discovered
- What the "Ancient Aliens" left behind (video)
- 2012 and the Kali Yuga (video)
- Exploring the Heart Sutra (Sanskrit, English)
- The (New) Lord's Prayer; Mary's Heart Sutra
- South Carolina: Vote Colbert (video)
- Can Marijuana be medicinal or spiritual?
- Koan study at PasaDharma
- Romney down, Perry out, Gingrich withering...
- Police violence inspires teens (video)
- American ghosts are REAL (video)
- Japan's Mitama ("Soul") Festival (video)
- Whistleblower: Life on Mars, Time Travel
- ET-NAZI Forces behind Globalization (video)
- Meet the new God, same as the old God(s)
- The Bible loves War and Killing (video)
- Knock-knock at your front door. It's 1984!
- Why Chris Hedges is suing Pres. Obama
- Web Blackout (SOPA and PIPA protest)
- Shinzen Young in Los Angeles: "Do nothing"
- Making "merit" in Buddhism (Part 2)
- We are shaped by our thoughts (quotes)
- Travel: Magic under the sea (video)
- Self as metaphor? Buddhist Studies in Barre
- Hitler, Nazis, and Occult Conspiracy (video)
- Ancient Aliens and the Third Reich (video)
- Legend of the blue-eyed Chinese (video)
- The mass incarceration of Americans (video)
- Occupy the Dream, the Light, Everywhere
- Hippies: Coachella, OLA, Dragon Tat (video)
- New American Queen crowned (video)
- Making "Merit" in Buddhism (Part 1)
- TV binging changes viewing experience
- US restores ties with Burma [to thwart China]
- An American in Burma: "Beyond Rangoon"
- Abandoning Ship (video)
- Asian New Year's: The Year of the Dragon
- The Tiny Frog's Magic Ride (allegory)
- Friday the 13th used to be GOOD luck
- Are You in a Codependent Relationship?
- Mitt "You're Fired" Romney, "King of Bain"
- Pornography and Patriarchy (audio)
- Lessons from Julia Butterfly Hill (video)
- Time Travel in use by the M.I.C. (audio)
- Milky Way has billions of planets
- What's a little pee between enemies? (video)
- What US veterans get for War (audio)
- What is the Military-Industrial Complex? (video)
- The Bold and Wise Tree (cartoon)
- From Mafia to Buddhism (video)
- Vipassana meditators speak (video)
- "Everything is burning!" (video)
- Mexico had its own "Roswell" crash (video)
- Converting to Copy Me-ism, the new religion
- Scientists vote to move us closer to Doomsday
- Lost Sutras of the Taoist-Buddhist Jesus
- Bieber almost 18: sex, drugs, no rock 'n roll
- U.S. Buddhist Radio (Pacifica)
- "Addiction, Inc." (film)
- Free group meditation retreats (Goenka)
- I dreamed I could fly, then I flew (video)
- Is Sensual Desire a Hindrance?
- Alan Watts: "Religion and Sexuality" (audio)
- Siddhartha had a Harem
- Occupy Enlightened Society: Public Talk
- Dennis Kucinich for Congress (Ohio)
- Pentagon: Asia, Drones, and Cyber War
- Cartoon: What corporations do (SOPA)
- Amazon: Lost Tribe in the Human World
- "The Life of the Buddha" (BBC documentary)
- Why is there something rather than nothing?
- There is NO "self" (sutra)