There are 7 days in a week, 28 days in a month (4 weeks), and 13 months in a year. This is due to the regular phases of Luna or Chandra, our moon. Therefore we calculate:
7 x 28 x 13 = 364 + 1
The one uncounted free day is New Year's Eve, which is used to reflect on the year that has passed and turn attention toward the year to come.

Bad luck, satanic, Pagan, Wiccan, anything to associate it with "evil," discredit it, and create a phobia of it. The phobia, triskaidekaphobia, took hold. The excuse? Well, "god's son" (devaputra) on Earth only had 12 apostles.

The "god" in question is a myth or a literal deva from space. Anyone reborn in the celestial spheres (heavens or space) among the devas is called a devaputra (son of god).
The space entities when they come to Earth -- according to Vedic, Nordic, Dogon, Sumerian, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Mesoamerican mythologies -- are obsessed with astronomy, "astrology." And this left humans with an obsession with astrotheology.
- Berkeley's visionary activist Caroline Casey (Jan. 12, 2012) helped us put the pieces together and remember how Friday the 13th used to be lucky, a day of beautiful art and music, before Christian fathers made it otherwise. It was a day of lovemaking (which still happens Friday nights but is now shrouded in shaming secrecy). "Dreaming" once meant "making music." Happy Year of the Dragon.
- Inherited from Vedic lore, Chandra (Sanskrit, "shining") is a lunar deity and a Graha. Chandra is also identified with the Vedic Lunar deity Soma ("juice"). The Soma name refers particularly to the [alchemical, manna] juice of sap in the plants and thus makes the Moon the lord of plants and vegetation. He is described as a young, beautiful, fair, two-armed deva with a club and a lotus in his hands. He rides his spacecraft (vimana) across the sky every night... More
Julie Fishman (glo.msn.com)

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- My date with Freya: NAZI-Hitler connection:
Freyja lives in a heavenly mansion, a hall and ship (vimana): Hitler's secret files contain special notes about Freyja's role opposing Hela, the main Goddess NAZIs worship. [They continue to live in/on the Moon, in space, and in Antarctica.] Freya's homebase is specifically mentioned in Hitler's notes as being the repository of the ultimate treasure. The key clue is found in the lore regarding the hall, which in Norse mythology is called Sessrúmnir (Old Norse "seat-room"). It is both the goddess (devi) Freyja's hall located in Fólkvangr, a field where Freyja receives half the noble slain in battle, and also the name of a ship. Both the hall and the ship are attested to in the Icelandic Edda, written in 1220.