"I'm not a kid anymore":
Prince of pop Justin Bieber on sex, drugs and partying

Bieber gets spiritual, not religious
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
Oh, that Beebs. He's growing up so fast. He got a Jesus tattoo on his calf instead of going to church. Selena Gomez must really be spinning his head right round. The Canadian idol and cherubic dreamboat -- Hollywood always needs one to promote a wholesome illusion it later delights in shattering as it did with Britney Spears, LiLo, Miley Cyrus, Christina Aguilera, and other gender benders and former Mouseketeers -- could be more important than the Buddha, according to the inquisitive Canadian-Buddhist site Sumeru-Books. But that's not going to sell records. St. Issa on your calf, now that sells records.