Alfred Lambremont Webre (Seattle Exopolitics Examiner, Nov. 9, 2009)

“It is very likely that the ‘whistleblower’ who had been described in previous ALTA reports (see 1309) as emerging out of the period of the [coagulation] of the [government/officialdom of the USofA due to financial structure collapse] is a person by the name of [Andrew D. Basiago].”
Clif High, administrator of the Web Bot and author of the ALTA report, states that the truth campaign of American whistle blower Andrew D. Basiago will raise Mr. Basiago’s public profile “to a very high level within the mainstream media and that such presence in the media will climb over the next 9/nine months to a planetary level.”
Basiago published a paper entitled The Discovery of Life on Mars on Dec. 12, 2008 that contains photographic evidence and textual analysis of humanoid beings, animal species, carved statues, and built structures on Mars. These were derived from images taken by NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Spirit on the surface of Mars.
His paper, which achieves over 50 “firsts” in science, is the first work to prove that Mars not only harbored life in ancient times but is an inhabited planet today. More
Could it possibly be mere coincidence that the most famous and elaborate piece of Buddhist architecture, the stupa or dagaba or pagoda, is bell-shaped? These reliquaries honor the remains of the Buddha, enlightened beings, and world rulers (chakravartins). As centers of mandalas, they represent the characteristic shape of a world-system in space (
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