(Udipl) On Jan. 3, 2012 Occupy Wall Street activists concluded a full day of action at New York's Grand Central Terminal with a flash mob. Lauren Digioia used the people's mic to read a statement. But police decided to shut down civil dissent.
Three protesters were arrested and four issued summonses yesterday in Grand Central Terminal, New York, where approximately 150 demonstrators formed a "flash mob" to protest Pres. Obama's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
NDAA is a military spending bill that also authorizes the military to detain any American citizen indefinitely without charge or trial, that is, without due process. Obama signed it in Hawaii on New Year's Eve 2012. It has since been given little attention in the media...
[They could be] charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. According to MTA rules, conduct that qualifies as "disorderly" includes behaving "in any manner which may cause or tend to cause annoyance, alarm, or inconvenience to a reasonable person or create a breach of the peace." More