GATE (Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment) is a pioneering organization shepherding the emerging and rapidly expanding transformational entertainment and media genre and worldwide movement. The GATE 2 Conference is an evening celebration of transformational entertainment and media, Feb. 4, 2012. It will feature stellar presenters and performers -- Eckhart Tolle, Jim Carrey, Jean Houston, Don Miguel Ruiz, Marianne Williamson, and many others. The evening will provide inspiration to attendees to sharing the energies of their personal transformation. More
Regular $395, before Jan. 11, 2012 $295. For exclusive discount of 5%, contact John@gatecommunity.org. The 5% group discount is normally only available on a purchase of 10 or more tickets. Email GATE Executive Director Wendy Newman (wendy@gatecommunity.org). A limited number of Student Discounts of 50% is available for GATE 2 and the GATE Transformational Story Conference for full time students at an accredited educational institution. Email wendy@gatecommunity.org. Must provide a current, valid student ID.