Linkin Park is raising relief funds for Japan and playing a secret show for those who help.
- Click Take the Challenge to create a page, raise $500, and earn two tickets to the show.
- Use the tools provided to promote the cause to your friends and family.
- Don't stop at $500. We will award special prizes and experiences to the top fundraisers, including meet & greets, VIP access and signed memorabilia.Click here for more details
Tickets are limited, only the first 500 people to reach the fundraising goal will receive tickets.
100% of net proceeds benefit children affected by the earthquake & tsunami to provide child care services and financial support to children at risk of not continuing their studies, psychological support as well as play zones for those who cannot play outside due to radiation fears.
Old Japanese painting warns of tsunamis, "harbor waves," that surge when funneled
Tips to Get Started
Haven't started yet? Here's something to do:
- Scroll up and click TAKE THE CHALLENGE
- Create a page -- add a photo or a short video and explain the fundraising
- Ask friends and followers for Japan relief donations.
- Click "share" to promote the cause via Facebook, Twitter, email.
Create a Page, then...
Go back to personalized page by clicking "My Page" at top right. Click "ASK FOR DONATIONS." There are three tabs:
- Send a post to friends via Facebook, Twitter, or Google+
- Click "send a message" tab to send direct messages to friends on Twitter, Linkedin, Yahoo, Facebook, and other networks.
- Click the "send e-mail" tab to email friends, family, followers, and coworkers. Just click "add contacts," add a few email addresses, or import them from Gmail or Hotmail, select the friends to send a personalized email, then click "send." Check the box, and click "send" to send yourself an email to forward to contacts.

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