Extreme weather [drowning and burning] from Texas to Somalia indicates that a new era of climate war has been brought on. In June, massive floods shut down two US nuclear power facilities in Nebraska. In New Mexico, the nation's top nuclear weapons lab in Los Alamos is being threatened by uncontrolled wildfires.
Meanwhile, the United Nations warns that the Horn of Africa is facing its worst drought in 60 years, affecting more than 10 million in Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. Christian Parenti explains that global warming is leading to [planned] social and environmental catastrophe.
"The weather associated with climate change [climate chaos], extreme weather such as the drought, punctuated by flooding in East Africa, punctuated by flooding in East Africa, is adding to this. Climate change very often doesn't just look bad weather, it looks like ethnic violence or religious violence or banditry or civil war," reports Christian Parenti (author of The Tropic of Chaos).
UN Declares Famine in Somalia, Africa
Irishtimes.com, July 20, 2011

The United Nations today declared famine in two regions of southern Somalia and warned that this could spread further within two months in the war-ravaged Horn of Africa country unless donors step in.
"If we don't act now, famine will spread to all eight regions of southern Somalia within two months, due to poor harvests and infectious disease outbreaks," Mark Bowden, the humanitarian coordinator for Somalia, told a media briefing in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.
"Every day of delay in assistance is literally a matter of life or death for children and their families in the famine-affected areas." Some 2.8 million Somalis live in the south.
Years of drought, that have also affected Kenya and Ethiopia, have hit harvests and conflict has made it extremely difficult for agencies to operate and access communities in the south of the country. More
Why is this Happening?Wisdom Quarterly (ANALYSIS)

In fact, famine does not mean mass starvation or foodlessness. By believing this we think the condition is inevitable, hopeless, and a burden to rich countries. Famine means hoarding and as little as 20 percent starvation of the most vulnerable elements of a society.
Famine is not that far from reality in the US. Weather anomalies (brought on by HAARP, the Pentagon, and other movers and shakers). It begins with food scarcity -- even as it is imported in abundance. War, which is not accidental but planned in the Pentagon and launched by CIA infiltration and weapons smuggling, is also a crucial element. Without conflict, a famine is soon soothed.
As we mobilize humanitarian aid, let us not lose sight of why these things happen and what they mean. We are being made a vulnerable population by the destruction of our economy, our joblessness, mass displacement by drought and flooding, and being lied to by our government. We need not pray to the climate sky-gods when climate chaos is being plotted in board rooms.
If we plot state failure in Africa (Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Ethiopia), mass displacement, starvation, and violent conflict is completely predictable. It is being done by design. While it is carried out by government agencies and multinational corporations, it is not initiated by our overt government.
There is a covert force behind our government. If we refuse to recognize it or call it out, we can expect more "business as usual." Its plans are not limited to other countries, nor is it interested in protecting us.
Fukushima by tsunami, Nebraska by flooding
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