A one hundred trillion dollar note (jimgottuso.wordpress.com). What happened to Zimbabwe when its economy collapsed and hyperinflation set in (cato.org)?

Bankers, Pentagon officials, CIA agents, billionaires, nagas, asuras, "Illuminati," dynasties, royal bloodlines, members of secret societies, moguls -- it hardly matters who sits at the throne, the helm of any country's economy. Banker A.M. Rothschild put it succinctly: "Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws." While we argue left/right, Republican/Democrat, heathen/Christian, conservative/liberal, our country is being undermined. Our experiment in democracy has gone from the hands of the people to a government of the powerful, by the powerful (Koch Brothers, etc.), for the powerful.
What is the Obama Administration Planning for the Dollar?

(Dl.PrisonPlanet.TV) In an explosive interview on PBS’ Bill Moyers Journal, professor of economics and law with the University of Missouri William K. Black alleged that American banks and credit agencies conspired to create a system in which so-called “liars loans” could receive AAA ratings and zero oversight, amounting to a massive “fraud” at the epicenter of US finance. [It was done on purpose to create a massive transfer of wealth.] More
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Scientists find active "super-thermite" in WTC dust
•Fake Liberal Gun Grabbers Seize On Pittsburgh Shootings
•Black Bloc Provocateurs Set Strasbourg Hotel on Fire
• North Korea rocket launch "provocative": Obama
•Thousands flee bomb attacks by US drones
•Obama Wants to Control the Banks
•Stiglitz: Bank Plan Makes Taxpayers Suckers
•Mass protest in Rome over financial crisis
• How José Manuel Barroso (Bilderberg Member) quietly transformed the world’s financial future G20 summit
• Toxic Asset Plan Will Leave The Same Amount Of Toxic Assets In The System, But With the Taxpayers Now Liable For Most Of The Losses
• Infowars Story on Illegal Tenn Checkpoint Prompts Action by Gov
• Hawaiians May Need Special ID to Buy Gas in 2010
• Suspected US strike kills 13 in Pakistan
• Anti-NATO protests continue in France
• Minister: Britain should not fear asking for IMF cash
• Biden vows to tackle gun violence after NY massacre