Senator Daniel K. Inouye (Hawaii) in 1987 Chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, which held public hearings on the Iran-Contra affair. Senator Inouye summarized its involvement by saying:
"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
- For more context and perspective, see the PBS documentary by Bill Moyers The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crises (1987) on Google Video.

The ability to exercise this power with impunity is facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947. The thrust of the exposé is the Iran-Contra arms and government drug-running operations. Such top secret operations flooded the streets of this nation with crack cocaine [and many increasingly powerful drugs that lead to mayhem and astronomical profits, aid in the build up of our prison culture and facilitate the economic collapse of the bank-controlled legal economy].

The ruling unelected regime in the US has insisted on the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq (and the destabilization of China, Japan, Iran, Libya, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran, North Korea, and any other state or stateless entity it determines is blocking its ambition total dominance sometimes referred to as the New World Order or the realization of Biblical Revelation). The same regime is now banging the war drum against the Muslim Brotherhood because it needs an inexhaustible "enemy" (having lost its Cold War partner with the fall of the USSR).
The subterfuge is legal as well as extralegal. The PATRIOT ACT, launched by Cheney/Bush and ratified (unread) by a very cooperative and fearful elected government, has stripped us of many of our basic civil rights. This is justified by the terror of 9/11, which was the shadow government's own doing.
The TSA, FEMA, Homeland Security, and other such institutions are engaged in abuses to prepare the public for living in a police state without end and without the necessity of false flag operations to secure our cooperation.