Meditation is not mere relaxation. A well-centered mind is the gateway to happiness, wisdom, and eventually complete freedom.
Meditation is the gateway to other realms and to the timeless nirvana (nibbana). What is nirvana? It is the condition beyond the cycle of samsara, which is the round of rebirth and suffering.
Meditation bridges samsara and nirvana so that one experiences them together -- free from suffering within the round. One does not wait to be "reborn" in nirvana the way one must await rebirth in any of the many heavens. Nirvana is to be experienced here and now.
All buddhas of the past as well as followers of the Dharma who mastered the highest levels of meditation are able to enter the condition of nirvana which, while it is achieved in samsara, leaves it behind.
All buddhas of the past as well as followers of the Dharma who mastered the highest levels of meditation are able to enter the condition of nirvana which, while it is achieved in samsara, leaves it behind.

- DHAMMAKAYA is a lay meditation movement that originated with Thai Buddhists and became a worldwide organization providing meditation instruction, bringing together traditions and Sanghas (monastic orders) in harmony for the benefit of keeping the Buddha's message regarding enlightenment alive and making it relevant in daily life.
Wisdom Quarterly