Obama takes message to public via TwitterWASHINGTON (AFP) — Barack Obama answers questions from Twitter users today (Wednesday, July 7, 2011). But the US president is
not confining his answers to 140 characters. Obama will verbally answer questions posed on the short-messaging service during a "Twitter Town Hall" being streamed live from the White House at

Here are our questions, 140 characters at a time if necessary. Feel free to use any or all of it in your tweets to our fearless leader:

Dear Mr. President, you are doing a great job helping show the world that race is no obstacle to greatness. Now, what's this about allowing
only 10,000 troops to come home from Afghanistan? You increased troop levels by 50,000 in two surges. And that's not counting all the "advisers," CIA agents, and private mercenaries (Halliburton, Xe, Blackwater, etc.) Meanwhile, the US war on Iraq rages. Then you illegally started another war on Libya and get
uncharacteristically cocky when Congress calls you on it? And yet you still find time to stoke war in Yemen, Bahrain, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Are these the "thousand points of light" of G.H. Bush New World Order? Or what exactly is the point of waging a secret war on Pakistan with drones and bombing raids? Or your war on truth and disclosure by pursuing Bradley Manning and Julian Assange over WikiLeaks? Establish the peace. It's easy: End these wars. We have "corporate business" interests there, it's true. Let our corporations wage their own wars. We cannot afford it. We have too much debt and too much taxation, and for what? For invading other countries in offensive "kinetic actions"? Sir, are we a peace-loving country or a violent

empire? Let's work here at home on creating jobs and stabilizing this economy. We agree with Cornel West and Tavis Smiley, who say we have to keep your feet to the fire to make sure you achieve the greatness you're capable of. The world does not need another Justice Clarence Thomas or Herman Cain. War is PROFITABLE, we know, but there are other ways for our corporations to make money instead of siphoning American citizens via foreign wars. At least stop the propaganda about all the good we are doing for the world by polluting and bombing it. Thank you. By the way, you're a great public speaker. Keep it up.