Los Angeles is experiencing a wave of "flu like symptoms." It can hardly be avoided. The whole country is. Have we forgotten the Swine Flu farce? Did you know that the government has been proven to "experiment" on unknowing civilian populations? It will put biological agents then test the radius of hospital admissions to see how effectively it spreads. Just imagine what the military and shadow government is up to. There are now aerosol dispersant (chemtrail) protocols spraying heavy metals, red blood cells, and unknown agents for reasons as different as the programs and departments sponsoring them. The pharmaceutical industry keeps a tight lid, with government backing, on any "natural" cures and healing methods, no matter how long they have been in use by humans. Instead, they want to sell known toxic products whether over-the-counter or preferably by prescription. These agents operate by disrupting enzymatic processes, and most simply aim at suppressing the uncomfortable symptoms the body is using to cleanse itself. What to do if you start feeling sick?
- (1) Clear your bowels. (This is why our Grammys gave us Castor oil, but lots of things do the exact same thing).
- (2) Eat lots of fresh fruit rich in Vitamin C, which has the same cleansing effect.
- (3) Fast or reduce intake of food that does not digest itself the way fruit does, which is why it does not tax the system.
- (4) Drink lots and lots of water, preferably filtered or distilled, to flush out toxins so that you're urinating about once every hour or two.
- (5) Breathe slowly, deeply, and exhale longer than the inhale.
- (6) Eat berries, fresh or dried, which bolster immunity.
- (7) Take herbs and natural remedies, such as Oxy-Powder, that increase the number of bowel movements (which should equal the number of times you eat or consider yourself chronically constipated and building up toxins) and develop immunity. Two very cleansing and chelating substances are raw chia seeds soaked in water as are nutritive water soluble fibers such as seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, or pectin. If it is microbe based, very effective natural agents are whole Clove, Mace, green walnut hulls (juglans nigra), common wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), colloidal silver, onions, garlic, ginger, and so much more.
- Dr. Gary Null: Guide to Natural Living
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Extremists in Congress have introduced six bills that would slash all funding for NPR, CPB, and other public media. Now they're rushing the issue to a vote, trying to pull the plug on the news, arts, and educational programming on which more than 100,000,000 Americans rely. The vote to cut all funding could happen as soon as next week!