Buddhist Channel
JOHOR BARU, Malaysia - The reputedly enlightened and undoubtedly comedic Ven. Brahmavamso (Ajahn Brahm, born Peter Betts in England) will be at the Grand Bluewave Hotel at 8:00 pm on Feb. 16 to give a talk entitled "Difficulties are Unavoidable but Misery is Optional." Admission is free and all are welcome. (All costs are borne by members of the Metta Lodge Buddhist Centre Johor Baru). On Feb. 17, Ajahn Brahm will teach meditation techniques at the Metta Lodge. This will be followed by a talk entitled "How do I Get Enlightened in this Life?" at 8:00 pm. Due to space constraints, Metta Lodge is able to accommodate 40 participants. Ven. Brahm, a Theravada monk in the Thai tradition who became steeped in controversy for ordaining females, is the abbot of the Bodhinyana Monastery in Serpentine, Western Australia. More>>