Paul Elias (AP)
Death Chamber, San Quentin State Prison, where we (whoever approves or applauds or carries out the killing of prisoners) make collective karma (Reuters).
SAN QUENTIN, California – A federal judge convened a most unusual hearing Tuesday [Feb. 8, 2011] at San Quentin Prison. Nearly all the routine court trappings were missing as U.S. District Court Judge Jeremy Fogel toured the state's new, $900,000 death chamber as part of proceedings aimed at helping him decide whether to restart lethal injections in California -- a procedure he put on hold five years ago. The judge was 70 miles from his regular courtroom in San Jose and wore a business suit as he and two dozen lawyers, prison officials, and other observers took a one-hour tour of the chamber.
"Dead man reclining," the guards probably giggle as they stand by -- generating unskillful karma not only for physically participating, verbally encouraging, but also mentally approving of killing for the state.