"Real Happiness" (Sharon Salzberg)
The Power of Meditation: A 28-day Program
Sharon Salzberg’s new book, Real Happiness, shows us that meditation practice is far simpler, more fun, less esoteric, and much more relevant to the wide-ranging situations in everyday life than we usually imagine. Rather than an ornate and arcane set of instructions, Buddhist meditation consists of practical tools to help deepen concentration, mindfulness, loving-kindness, and compassion. We rely on these qualities when things change even though we would much prefer stability, when we feel out of control of events, and above all when we want a quality of happiness that is not so fragile, so dependent on shifting conditions. This book guides us through the basics of... More>> AUDIO: Basic Meditation Intro.

Blog Archive
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- Let's increase the peace (Einstein's Zen)
- Even Burma Goes Green
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- WikiLeaks: Top 5 Revelations (Dalai Lama)
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