Emile de Leon of Temple Sounds: a brief meditation using gongs and Tibetan singing bowls
Crystal bowl music is a form of vibrational medicine that validates [the idea] that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. The frequency at which an object or person most naturally vibrates is called resonance.
The chakras [subtle energy "wheels" or centers], bones, and organs in the body all possess a different resonant frequency. When an organ or part of the body is vibrating out of tune or non-harmoniously, it is called "dis-ease."
A body is in a healthy state of being when each cell and each organ creates a [symphonic] resonance that is in harmony with the whole being. Vibrational medicine is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by a blockage of the energy channels on some level.
When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and thus it results in some kind of [disruption, disharmony or] illness. So through sound and light one can break up, dissolve, and release these blockages that [origin]ate in our etheric body.
With proper intent, the pure tones that emanate from crystal bowls can be a powerful force in bringing conscious awareness and vibrational rebalancing to areas of our bodies that are "out of tune."
RA Music's Alan Howarth explains "natural frequency music" made using tuning
standards found in nature and ancient Mayan and Egyptian temples (RAmusic.com)
standards found in nature and ancient Mayan and Egyptian temples (RAmusic.com)
When we lovingly and consciously attune our awareness to those places in our bodies that are wanting to be noticed and use the power of sound to carry our loving intent, we open the doorway for the emotional body to heal.
When the emotional body is well so is the physical body. As we heal ourselves we heal the world around us.
Vibrational sympathetic resonance medicine is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by a blockage of the energy channels on some level. When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency thus resulting in some kind of illness.
Many cultures recognize the importance of music and sound as a healing power. In the ancient civilizations of India, the Orient, Africa, Europe and among the Aborigines and American Indians, the practice of using sound to heal and achieve balance from within has existed for thousands of years. The Tibetans still use bells, chimes, bowls, and chanting as the foundation of their spiritual practice. In Bali, Indonesia...
(BrianWilliamGreen) Singing bowl meditation (seeyouinsleep.com)
Cultural Uses of Sound

The Bowls and The Human Body

One reason the pure tones vibrate our body is that it has a natural affinity to quartz. The human body is composed of many crystalline substances: The bones, blood, and DNA are crystalline in structure as is the liquid crystal-colloidal structure of the brain.
Even on a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies. This is the same substance found in quartz crystal.
(TD) Future "hospitals"? The Spiral of Sound Crystal Bowl Choir in
Atlanta. Candace Keach, director/lead surgeon (SonicAngelMusic.com)
Harmonic Crystal Bowls
..."When a harmonic pair is played together, they instill a deep sense of cellular peace." Harmonic Crystal Bowl Sets are available... More
(PatrickBurkeTube) Never strike a bell or bowl. Instead, "invite" it to produce its sound. Sister Dang, a student of Thich Nhat Hanh, explains from California's Deer Park Buddhist Monastery.