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New Year 2012 Around the World (pictures)
Blog Archive
- New Year 2012 Around the World (pictures)
- Go Against the Stream this New Year's Eve
- New Year's Eve Retreat (and Party)
- Preparing to Occupy the Rose Parade
- "Hell" is being left out in the cold (video)
- Katy Perry frantic about divorce (video)
- Alcohol and Buddhism: To abstain or drink?
- A real "Buddha Bar," tended by monks?
- Reflections on the End of the World
- The Buddha's Feet (Pho Temple)
- May the Force be with you! Here's why
- Kindness boomerangs (video)
- Giants are real: spotted in North Korea
- Scientists can now read minds, says UCLA
- Republican Nixon: abusive, alcoholic gay
- Physics and Psychology of Meditation (Pt. 1)
- Physics and Psychology of Meditation (Pt. 2)
- Explaining Everything (audio)
- Winter Solstice 2011 (video)
- Clergy attack in Bethlehem church (video)
- Sharp's Dictionary of Power and Struggle
- Should police conduct "virginity tests"? (video)
- Recommended: 2012 Yoga Teacher Training
- Disfigured man explains his afterlife (video)
- Are you "happy"? Changing the meaning of...
- The Shifting Meaning of "Happiness" (video)
- War at Home: Local police go military (video)
- Jewish Sex discrimination turns Violent (video)
- JuBu (Jewish-Buddhist) "Devotion" (video)
- Ancient Egyptians in the Grand Canyon (audio)
- Buddha's tooth relic goes from China to Burma
- Traces of alien life are all around us (video)
- Erawan Museum's Buddhist cosmology
- Man fakes being homeless to help poor
- "Holiday Season"? Kwanzaa! (video)
- Holiday volunteering in the park
- Giving the Gift of Meditation
- When Christmas was "evil" (video)
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Falling Star (video)
- Happy Holidays! An "Air Jordan" Xmas (video)
- Indian outcast millionaire mulls caste, riches
- News of the World: Overwhelm
- Breasts: Euro implants; banning small breasts
- Life During Wartime: "Xmas Truce" (video)
- UFOs over Blink 182, Angels & Airwaves (video)
- Multiverse of Exploration: Science to 2021
- We are the 99% of scientists
- Catholic Sakka and Saint Buddha (video)
- Occupy Berkeley camp cleared by police
- "Revelation of the Pyramids" (documentary)
- X-mas, Islam: Looking back at 2011
- "Buddha Nature"?
- Occupy LA's "Bikini Drill Squad" (video)
- Occupy Berkeley: Last Camp Standing
- Police State evicts Buddhist monk
- 7 planets visible in the sky this week
- "Sex, Mom, & God" - the Bible and women
- Countdown to 2012 Apocalypse begins (video)
- Sacred Activism: "Occupy the Light"
- Newsbriefs: Lindsay, Bradley, Britney, Iraq...
- 11-year-old US boy made lama (video)
- Tibet unites Buddhist Cosmology and Science
- The Zen of Apple's Steve Jobs (video)
- It's not easy being The Protester (Egypt video)
- 3 Deaths: Atheist, Dictator, Rebel
- The Destruction of Craving (Sutra)
- Sakka's ancient space flight (Jataka)
- Sakka, "St. Michael," Lord of the 33 (video)
- Discussion: UFOs, "heavens," ETs?
- Jalue, 4, American reincarnated lama (video)
- India: Feast of Buddhist Art and Culture
- Jains visit Vatican for talks
- Occupy Wall St. surge; Bradley Manning, hero!
- Xmas: What happened to the Catholic Church?
- Bamiyan Buddhas older than the Buddha
- Tara Brach: "Acceptance" (Dharma talk)
- The Gilliland UFO Ranch (audio)
- "Crazy Wisdom"? Chogyam Trungpa (review)
- Tibetan Buddhist "Daughters of Dolma" (film)
- Occupy study: California has 150 camps
- Pope sorry priests raped Irish kids (video)
- Why, why not Ron Paul for president? (video)
- A Buddhist Approach to Dreams
- LA City Council: "Corporations are NOT people"
- USA, Israel warned not to attack Iran (video)
- Predator drone spies on citizens in US
- World Revolution Redux (censored)
- Senate passes "indefinite detention bill"
- Milk is BAD food (film)
- Why most of us may NOT wake up (video)
- ALERT: "Nat'l Defense Authorization Act"!
- "Who would you like to rape?" Frat Brother
- It's official: US Ends its War on Iraq!
- Our Dharma Tattoos
- Occupy: "Protester" is "Person of the Year"
- "Winning" the US War on Afghanistan?
- Afghan Buddha marvels created, massacred
- Buddhist Island deploys troops on protesters
- Occupy 2012: activist support circle
- The Witches of Islam