Milk is BAD food (film)

PRWeb, (Dec. 14, 2011);; SF

The is an entertaining, award-winning film that dares to question the conventional wisdom of milk's health claims. Addressing these myths and fabrications, the film is a humorous yet shocking expose rethinking its use.

Feature documentary "Got the Facts on Milk?" promotes increased interest in a diary-free diet among Buddhists and yoga practitioners.

XI'AH'E, China - Shira Lane, director of the new documentary film Got the Facts on Milk? - The Milk Documentary was in the rural town of Xi'ah'e meeting with Buddhist monastics from Labrang Monastery (Gompa).

The documentary provides a candid look at the high-stakes political, economic, ethical, and environmental issues involved with milk consumption.

Labrang Monastery is home to six monastic colleges covering esoteric Buddhism, theology, medicine, astrology, and law. Many Buddhist monastics in the Himalayan region depend on a diet of yak milk, butter, and cheese due to the harsh winters and nomadic nature of Tibetan society.

Tibetan monks from different sects making long life offering (WN/Yeshe Choesan)

Lane presented the monastics with a copy of the film and discussed the potential hazards of dairy product consumption. The timing of Lane's visit was particularly poignant given China's rapidly increasing consumption of dairy products, which may have profound ill effects on the health of China's population and the environment worldwide.

Although it is unclear whether all Himalayan monastics will remove diary from their diet, there is increased interest in a non-diary diet among Buddhists and yoga practitioners.

In late November, 2011 California's Berkeley Buddhist Monastery hosted a free public screening of the film. After the screening, monk and teacher Ven. Ajahn Guna led the audience in chanting including: "MILK DOES A BODY BAD."

This was followed by a Q&A with Shira Lane. Ven. Guna stressed the importance of awareness in connection to the food we consume and its wide-ranging spiritual and physical effects.

Feature length "Got the Facts on Milk?" has attracted considerable underground attention, as it goes behind the scenes of the "Got Milk" campaigns and highlights shocking facts about milk that the dairy industry sweeps under the rug.

Currently the film can only be found on the film's website Ven. Guna refers to the film as "an outstanding contribution to humanity." Source

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