Where can anyone go to avoid being bombarded with cell phone tower emissions, HAARP array pulses, and synthetic electromagnetic energy in general? In the rolling hills of West Virginia, where one can also find the Bhavana Society, there is a refuge.
Tech refugees rush to mountains of West Virginia
DigitalJournal.com, BBC

As many as five percent of Americans believe they suffer from Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS). They say exposure to such devices like cell phones, wi-fi, and other electronic equipment is causing severe headaches, skin burning, muscle twitching, and chronic pain.

When Diane lived in Iowa, she believed her illness was triggered by emissions from a cell-phone mast [military-owned microwave tower]. She was even forced to live in a specially-adapted cage where electromagnetic radiation could not penetrate.

Some of the telescopes at Green Bank also serve the government's critical spy network, as reported on the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) website. More