It was reportedly overrun by rebel forces. He was soon executed presumably under orders from the people paying the bills. Sirte was the last major stronghold of Kaddafi's old regime supporters for the past two months.
Reporters in Sirte were unable to immediately confirm Kaddafi's capture, or even that the town had fallen to interim forces. Libya's current ruling body, the National Transitional Council, had said they would declare Libya liberated once Sirte fell.
The embarrassing appearance of Kaddafi's son and heir reveals
western disinformation campaign (psychological operation).
Reports are now rampant that Kaddafi was assassinated by those who took him into custody for those in the West wishing to keep him quiet. While he was indeed a monster, dictator, and criminal, he was OUR monster, dictator, and criminal. We set him up, kept him going, and are in the market for a new dictator. We will accept nothing less.
War hawks who argue that pacifists should be happy that such a criminal was murdered ignore the fact that this is "business as usual" in the New World Order. Why bother with kangaroo court trials when extrajudicial killings are so much more "convenient"?
Never mind the harm, injustice, or perpetuation of a corrupting system of installing dictators friendly to the West. The people never have a chance to be free or to enjoy the natural resources that are their birthright as citizens born in oil-rich lands.
Moammar Kaddafi's rule in Libya lasted more than four decades, longer than any other world leader. Having siezed power in a military coup at at the age of 27, he imposed a pan-Arab, anti-imperialist philosophy that won him both friends and enemies.Despite admitting that he had a nuclear weapons program, he was tolerated by the international community because of Libya's rich oil deposits, a dwindling international resource. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher takes a look back at his rise and subsequent loss of power.