October 29, 2011 Temple of the Goddess Hallows Eve Ritual & Celebration Samhain or Hallows Eve is the new year, the time when the veil between this world and the spirit world is at its thinnest. It marks the onset of a darker, more introspective time of year. The theme of Hallows Eve is honoring darkness, memory of the dead, communication with the spirit world, and purification for the future. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Newcomer's Meeting 5:45 Before the Ritual If this is your first Temple of the Goddess Ritual or you just have questions, meet with Kamala in the lobby before the ritual. Bring your questions, fears, hopes, and desires. Newcomer's Meeting in Lobby at 5:45pm, before the ritual.
Hallows Eve Ritual & Celebration Saturday October 29, 2011 6:30 PM Doors Open 6:00 Neighborhood Unitarian Church, Pasadena
NOTE: Families with children, please come early for a seat down front so your children don't miss anything!
|  Our evening of ritual theatre opens with music and dance honoring Samhain night. Enveloped in candlelight, we come to the mythic labyrinth, offering song, dance and spoken word to create the magic of the cauldron.
We are come to the labyrinth tonight, walking one by one. In the dark of Samhain, a riddle burning bright, We are vessels of the highest love in a lesson, burning bright, the lesson of our lives. When all our sorrows cauldron into one, be reborn, this Samhain night. (SJ Tucker)
When last we visited the mythic realm, we encountered Artemis, the First Environmentalist, who released the Green Dragon, the warrior that resides within each of us, the fighter that is called upon to battle the forces, both within and without, that would harm the Earth and Her Children. (Click here to read Joanne Elliott's article, Releasing the Green Dragon.) Now the Green Dragon sends our young heroine, Maya, on a quest for the shaman's path; to seek the entrance to Ix Chel's realm; the opening to the underworld of the Medicine Woman.
Maya, fresh from the battle for the Earth and the people of Earth, must put down her bow and arrow to find the shaman within, the healer to balance the warrior that is needed in times such as these. The journey of our young warrior is to search for the inner knowledge of the ancestors; it is the journey of remembering the power of the Earth to heal ourselves and humanity. |